
- Gracz lub drużyna, która odbija próbując zdobyć punkty.
- Osłana za bazą domową zapobiegająca wylatywaniu piłek daleko za boisko.
- Refers to a pitch that does not enter the strike zone and is not struck at by the batter.
- The two representatives of the team at bat who are stationed in the first or third base coaches boxes to direct the offense. No more than one representative may be in each box.
- The area to which the batter is restricted when batting.
- Failing to bat in proper sequence as listed on the official lineup card.
- Jedno z czterech miejsc, które musi być kolejno dotknięte przez biegacza, aby zaliczyć obieg.
- Zdobycie pierwszej bazy przy czterech bolach.
- A base runner is an offensive player that is advancing, touching or returning to a base.
- Any non-swinging movement of the bat intended to tap the ball into play. Holding the bat in the strike zone is considered a bunt attempt. In order to take a pitch, the bat must be withdrawn – pulled backward and away from the ball.
- Mecz, który zakończył się na polecenie sędziego.
- The area to which the catcher is restricted from the time the pitcher steps on the pitcher’s plate until she releases the pitch.
- Tagged out while attempting to steal a base.
- The restraining action taken by a batter to stop an attempted hit/slap/bunt.
- A part of the helmet that must be worn (mandatory) when used on offensive, or defense. (exception—are not required as part of the catcher’s mask).
- The area to which the two base coaches (one per box) are restricted prior to release of the pitch.
- A charged offensive conference is a meeting that takes place anytime an offensive team representative delays the game or requests a suspension of play for any reason and delivers a message (by any means) to any offensive player, coach and/or representative. A defensive conference is a meeting that takes place anytime a defensive team representative delays the game or requests a suspension of play for any reason and delivers a message (by any means) to any defensive player.
- Player allowed to run for pitcher or catcher when the courtesy runner rule is being used. Runner is not considered a substitute.
- An illegal act in which the pitcher’s rear foot leaves the pitcher’s plate and re-contacts the ground before the release of the pitch.
- A term used by the umpire to temporarily suspend play. The ball is dead, until the umpire indicates a resumption of play.
- A situation in which a violation of a rule occurs and is recognized by the umpire with a delayed dead ball signal, but in which the ball remains live until the conclusion of the play.
- A base dislodged from its proper position.
- The continuation of play beyond regulation seven innings in an attempt to break a tie score.
- The act of a defensive player who puts out a runner by touching her with the ball held in either the hand or glove/mitt.
- Odbicie, po którym pałkarz zdobywa drugą bazę, bez błędów popełnionych przez obronę.
- The team that starts the game on defense (in the field). The home team may be determined in a variety of ways (i.e., coin flip, mutual agreement, conference or tournament assignment and custom).
- Drużyna, która zaczyna grę jako atakujący (na pałce).
- Pitch that is too high, low, or wide for catcher to be able to reasonably field which allows runner to advance.
- The ball goes out of the designated play area, each runner is awarded the base they were going to, plus one extra base.
- The exercise of an umpire’s authority to remove a player and/or other team personnel from further participation in a game.
- A legally batted ball that touches or bounds over a base, settles on or is touched on or over fair territory. A fair fly, line drive or grounder shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the foul pole, and not with respect to the position of the fielder (on fair or foul ground) at the time the ball is contacted (See Rule 7-3).
- That part of the playing field within and including the foul lines from home plate to the bottom of the home run fence and perpendicularly upwards. Home plate, the foul lines and poles are considered part of fair territory.
- Batter reaches base when a fielder decides to try for an out on another player; counts as at-bat but not as hit.
- A game declared ended and awarded to an offended team by the umpire.
- A legally batted ball that settles on or is touched on or over foul territory. A foul fly, line drive or grounder shall be judged according to the relative position of the ball and the foul line, including the foul pole, and not with respect to the position of the fielder at the time the ball is contacted.
- A batted ball that stays below the top of the batter’s head travels directly from the bat to the catcher’s hand or glove/mitt and is legally caught by the catcher. It is a strike, and the ball is live.
- A play by which the base runner loses her right to occupy a base because the batter becomes a batter-runner who has not yet been put out.
- Home run przy zajętych trzech bazach.
- Hits batter with pitched ball, allowing batter to advance to first base.
- Awarded first base due to being hit by pitched ball.
- Hits on which the batter reaches all four bases safely without the contribution of a fielding error.
- A violation of the substitution rules that occurs when an illegal player (one who is not entitled to play) is put back in the game or a legal player returns to the game, but not in her original position in the batting order.
- The term indicating that the ball is live, and an offensive player may be put out.
- That portion of the field in fair territory that is normally skinned and covered by the pitcher and infielders.
- Fielders (usually four) who defend the skinned portion of the field. They are the first baseman, second baseman, third baseman and shortstop.
- Pitcher intentionally walks batter.
- The act of offensive player, coach, umpire or spectator that denies the fielder a reasonable opportunity to play the ball. The act may be intentional or unintentional and the ball must have been playable.
- Ochrona głowy, noszona głównie przez zawodników ataku. Wymagane jest noszenie kasku gdy się odbija, biega po bazach i przygotowuje do odbijania. Inni zawodnicy obrony mogą nosić kaski dla bezpieczeństwa.
- The official list of starting offensive players presented in the order in which they are to bat and recorded on a lineup card.
- Base advanced other than on base hit, walk, hit by pitch, error, wild pitch, or passed ball.
- An illegal act in which the pitcher becomes airborne on her initial movement and push from the pitcher’s plate.
- Runner is not out nor scored at the end of an inning.
- A fair or foul-batted ball that travels parallel to the ground, neither rising into the air nor dropping to the ground. If caught, it is scored an out.
- The card that contains the first and last names, uniform numbers and positions of all starting players, listed in the order in which they are to bat and the first and last names and uniform numbers of all eligible substitutes.
- The defensive player to whom the pitcher throws when pitching to a batter. The catcher must be in the catcher’s box in order to receive a pitch and, as such, is the only player who can and must be positioned in foul territory at the time of the pitch.
- The act of the defense attempting to put out a base runner who is caught off base between two or more defensive players and who may either attempt to advance or return to the previous base.
- The area reserved for team personnel engaged in the game.
- Piłka, która nie została wprowadzona do gry i nie stała się znowu "żywa", dopóki pitcher trzyma ją w okręgu pitcher'a i sędzia nie powie "Play ball".
- A part of the helmet that protects the face, mandatory for offensive batters, and on-deck batters.
- Zawodnik obrony, który narzuca piłki pałkarzom.
- Official batting appearances, not including base on balls, hit by pitch, sacrifices, interference, or obstruction.
- A live ball delivered to the batter by the pitcher with a legal underhand motion.
- A bat that does not meet acceptable specifications (i.e. particular weight, length, barrel diameter, material limits) as set forth in Rule 3-2 and Appendix A.
- A pitch contacted by the batter: (1) with an altered bat, (2) with a illegal bat, (3) when any part of the either foot is in contact with the plate at the time of bat-ball contact, or (4) when one or both feet are on the ground and entirely outside the lines of the batter’s box at the time of bat-ball contact.
- Any pitch by the pitcher that is in violation of the pitching rules.
- A player who competes in the game but is not entitled to participate.
- A player who has a legal right to enter or re-enter the game but has not been reported to the umpire prior to her participation.
- The act of an offensive player legally advancing to and touching home plate without being put out.
- A player or team in the field attempting to prevent the offensive team from scoring runs.
- Piłka odbita zarówno na terutorium fair czy foul, która odbija się po ziemi.
- Any pitch that comes in contact with the bat. Contact, may result in a fair or foul ball and need not be intentional.
- Gracz atakujący, który jest następny w kolejności na pałce.
- A declaration by the umpire indicating a batter or base runner has been retired. Each team is entitled to three outs per inning.
- The act of a base runner who, when sliding, loses contact with a base or passes it.
- The offensive player whose turn it is to take a position in either batter's box to receive a pitch.
- The offensive player who started in the batter?s box but has left it in an attempt to reach base safely.
- A count of 3 balls and 2 strikes, since the next ball or strike will end the batter's turn at the plate, unless the ball goes foul.
- A punishment imposed on a player or team for a rule infraction.
- The sphere is pitched, thrown, struck, etc.
- Odbita piłka ponad głowę pałkarza, zarówno na terytorium fair jak i foul.
- A player who is inserted into the lineup in the place of the batter. The pinch hitter will stay in the lineup until she is replaced by the player for whom she batted or another substitute.
- A player who is inserted into the lineup in the place of a base runner. The pinch runner will stay in the lineup until she is replaced by the player for whom she ran or another substitute.
- The pitcher’s foot (right foot of a right-handed pitcher and left foot of a left-handed pitcher) that must maintain contact with the pitcher’s plate as the stride foot extends forward on the step. It also is referred to as the pivot or rear foot.
- The pitcher’s foot (right foot of a right-handed pitcher and left foot of a left-handed pitcher) that maintains contact with the pitcher’s plate absorbs the body’s weight and pushes off against the plate during the initial “step” phase of the pitch. This same foot drags along the ground during the final phase of the pitch and is then referred to as the drag or rear foot.
- The pitcher’s foot (left foot of right-handed pitcher and right foot of a left handed pitcher) that extends forward toward home plate as she steps to deliver the pitch to the batter. It also is referred to as the lead foot.
- The order given by the umpire to begin the game or to resume play. It also is the instruction given by the umpire to indicate that the defensive players are in position, the batter is ready to bat and the pitcher may now deliver the pitch.
- Two runners are put out during a single continuous action.
- The area within which the ball may be legally played and fielded.
- One of nine players on the defensive team who takes a position on the field and attempts to stop the offensive team from scoring. It may be the pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, shortstop, left fielder, center fielder or right fielder.
- Piłka odbita w powietrze pod kątem większym niż 45 stopni.
- Three runners are put out during a single continuous action.
- The formal, written inquiry into the decision of an umpire.
- A thrown ball that goes beyond its intended target. The ball is live unless it enters dead-ball territory or becomes a blocked ball.
- Batter reaches base due to defensive error when under normal circumstances batter would have clearly been out; counts as an at-bat but not as a hit.
- Number of runners who score due to a batter’s action except when the batter reaches on an error and there are already two outs.
- Hit that allows runners to advance bases or score yet causes the batter to be out.
- A declaration by the umpire indicating that a runner has successfully taken possession of a base and is no longer in jeopardy.
- The persons hired to rule on the plays in the game. They are a plate umpire and one, two or three base umpires.
- Zdobycie pierwszej bazy po odbiciu.
- A legally batted ball not swung at but intentionally tapped with the bat.
- A batted ball that has been struck with a short, chopping motion rather than a full swing. The two most common types of slap hits are (1) those in which the batter takes her stance as if to bunt but then either drives the ball into the ground with a quick, short swing or pouches it over the infield, and (2) those in which the batter takes running steps (within the batter’s box) toward the pitcher before making contact with the pitch.
- The first nine listed on the lineup card submitted to the umpire before the start of the game. Each starter is entitled to be replaced and to re-enter one time as long as she assumes her original position in the batting order.
- The area above home plate between the batter’s forward armpit and the top of her knees when she assumes her natural batting stance. Any part of the ball passing through any part of the strike zone is a strike unless the ball touches the ground before reaching home plate.
- Any pitch that either enters the strike zone without first touching the ground or is swung at by the batter and missed. A strike also may be called by the umpire for the batter’s failure to enter the batter’s box when so directed.
- Player is out due to three strikes.
- A player not listed on the lineup and as a starter but who may legally replace one of the first 9 or 10 players (if a designated player is used) listed on the lineup card submitted to the umpire before the start of the game.
- A pitch delivered with the obvious intention of catching the batter off balance or otherwise unprepared to bat.
- The traditional path traveled by a runner who is attempting to advance to the next base. It is defined by a direct line between the bases and 3 feet on either side of that line; unless a fielder has the ball in her possession and she is within 3 feet of the runner and prepared to apply a tag. A base runner that attempts to avoid a tag by running more than 3 feet to either side of a fielder with the ball in her possession shall be declared out.
- That part of the playing field outside the first and third base lines from home plate to the bottom of the home run fence and perpendicularly upwards.
- That area beyond any real playing field boundary such as a fence, backstop, rope, chalk line, bleachers, dugouts or any imaginary boundary line as determined in the pre-game conference.
- Zdobycie trzeciej bazy po odbiciu
- Odbicie, po którym pałkarz zdobywa trzecią bazę, bez błędów popełnionych przez obronę.
- When a fielder, who neither possesses the ball nor is about to receive the ball, obstructs a runner by pretending to have the ball and simulating a tag, thereby causing the runner to slow down or stop.
- Any batted, thrown or pitched ball that has not touched the ground, an object or person other than a player.
- A game that is temporarily suspended by the umpire with the intent that it will be continued at some later time or date. The game shall be resumed from the point of suspension.
- A live batted or thrown ball that: (1) contacts non-game personnel, game personnel in unauthorized areas, loose equipment or an object that is neither official game equipment nor part of the official playing area; or (2) crosses into dead-ball territory.
- That portion of fair territory that is grass or artificial grass surface and normally covered by the outfielders.
- Fielders (usually three) who defend the grass portion of the field between the skinned infield and home run fence. They are the left fielder, center fielder and right fielder.
- A fair ball (not a line drive or an attempted bunt) that can be caught by an infielder with ordinary effort when either all three bases are occupied or runners are on first and second and before there are two outs in the inning. Any defensive player positioned in the infield at the time of the pitch shall be considered an infielder for the purpose of the rule. The ball is live, the batter is out and runners may advance at their own risk. If a declared infield fly becomes foul, it is treated as a foul ball, not an infield fly. The runner may tag up and advance as soon as a fielder touches the batted ball.
- The act of a fielder who, with her hand(s) and/or glove/mitt, securely gains possession of a batted, pitched or thrown ball. In establishing the validity of the catch, the fielder must hold the ball long enough to prove she has control of the ball and that her release of the ball is (or could have been) voluntary and intentional.
- 1. That portion of the game within which the teams alternate on offense and defense and in which there are three putouts for each team. 2. Half inning. Each team’s respective time at bat or in the field. The interval during which one team is on offense and the other is on defense. A half inning ends when there is a third out or when, in the last inning the winning run is scored. 3.Extra Inning. One that extends the game in an attempt to break a tie score.
- The act of entering the batter’s box until being put out, becoming a batter-runner or being substituted for while at bat.